charm bracelet

Jun 20, 2010

Making A Statement With Gold Charms

For women that love jewelry, having a collection of yellow and white gold charms and one or more elegant charm bracelets is a great option for evening wear types of jewelry. The rich color of the gold combined with the timeless style of a charm bracelet is a natural match and there are several different options for how to wear and design these types of bracelets.  Since they are so versatile they will match well with other types of jewelry include rings, watches and other bracelets.

When wearing larger rings and other types of jewelry for evening events, it makes great fashion sense to go with a less ornate style of gold charm bracelet. Minimal numbers of beautiful gold charms on a simple style of bracelet is very dramatic.
To achieve this look consider a simple style of bracelet that is single link. You can choose the more patterned beaded type of link or the simple chain link that is very striking. Add one large charm or three to five smaller charms to provide some dazzle to the bracelet.
 A wide, decorative type of triple or double link bracelet can also be a great option with a few gold charms. This combination paired with one or more charms will draw more attention to the bracelet and also give a very rich look.
Lots of gold charms on a bracelet is also very appealing and adds that wonderful jangle as the bracelet moves. If you are adding lots of charms the result is typically a very feminine look, often with a heavier bracelet to keep the symmetry.
Always keep in mind that the more gold charms that are on a
bracelet the more they will contact each other and result in rubbing. Always consider this when placing the charms on the bracelet and avoid lots of highly shiny smooth surfaces touching, as this is where the most scratching can potentially occur.
Charms that feature hearts, crosses, round and oval disks or filigree types of charms great options for elegant evening styles of bracelets. Finding unique types of gold charms from around the world is also a great option as a classical piece of jewelry.
 Adding gemstones to gold charms will provide a bit of color and dazzle on the bracelet and accent the luster of the gold. Often the most common gemstones used are the precious stones, rubies, diamonds, sapphires and emeralds and these colors look spectacular with gold charms of any shape and size.

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